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Dennis Owens, Certified Chiren® Practitioner

Biophoton Therapy gave me back my life and why I am passionate about doing this


For over 7 years, I had been struggling with severe asthma, chronic fatigue, and depression. Since the onset of these illnesses, I searched for underlying causes, studying and trying many healing modalities, everything from conventional medical care to a wide variety of alternative treatments, including Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Chi Nei Tsang, Ayurveda, and various diets. I was taking a host of medications and supplements to attempt to regain control over my life. Through all of this, at best, I would feel marginally better for a short while but my conditions continued to progressively worsen.


In the spring of 2012, I was rushed to the ER twice for severe asthma attacks. Both times I was released, armed with prescription inhalers to try to control the symptoms. Later that year, although I was using the medications as prescribed, I suffered yet another attack during which I blacked out due to lack of oxygen.  I was barely breathing and was rushed to the ICU where I laid unconscious for over 14 hrs. I spent the next 4 days in the ICU recovering. When I was released I felt grateful to have survived yet quite frustrated to be given more of the same medications I had been on and told that that I would need to be on these drugs for the remainder of my life. I felt determined to find the answer and not to settle for another bandaid.


Shortly thereafter, I learned about biophoton therapy and became intrigued so I scheduled an appointment. When I started treatment, I could barely make it up a short flight of steps without needing to stop several times to gasp for breath. Within 3 months when I completed my weekly treatments I was able to hike briskly to the top of nearby Mt. Burdell, an ascent of about 1200 feet, lungs full of oxygen without wheezing or even breathing hard. I felt my life was given back to me.


I now feel more energized than I have felt since I was in my 20’s. Biophoton treatments had entirely eliminated my asthmatic symptoms and my need for medication or supplements, thus no harmful side effects. 


Additionally, I discovered that it had cleared many people of other types of diseases at remarkable rates of success. The practitioner who treated me had been cleared of leukemia after being given only a few months to live by conventional medicine,  and severe asthma from which she had suffered for over 10 years. After her incredible turnaround via this therapy, she now looks and feels great and plays tennis three or four times a week. I also heard many other accounts of very high success rates.


I was deeply inspired by my own healing and decided to dedicate myself to become a practitioner of this remarkable technology myself to help others who have been struggling with illnesses that seem insurmountable. 


Prior to learning about biontology, my quest for healing had led me to both formal and informal study of related subjects such as Five Element Energetics, Feng Shui, Metaphysics, and researching a great deal about disease and underlying causes. I was encouraged to discover that I had enough supportive background to take this on. I was trained by Johan Boswinkle, the inventor of this technology, at the Institute for Applied Biophoton Science and am now a Certified Chiren™ Practitioner. 


To contact me please click here

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